
  • Have you written a great song, but don’t have a band to record it? Send it to us and we’ll track it for you. You never have to leave your house! Based off of the vocals and direction you send us, our crack-shot studio band will each come up with parts and record the whole thing—drums, bass, guitars, keys, etc. Just a few emails, maybe a phone call or two, and you’re done!

    Here’s how it works:

    1.) Record your vocals to a metronome and send it to us.

    2.) We track drums, guitars, bass, and keys; then we mix it and send it back to you within a week.

    3.) DONE! You have a finished song!

    This is an awesome, hassle-free way to record that song you’ve always known was a great, but never knew where to start. For experienced studio artists, this is a great way to get a fresh sound on a song you love.

    We have different mix packages for different budgets to send your song OVER the top but UNDER budget. Hit us up on the contact page for more info!

  • If you record an EP or full-length record with us, lodging is included in our killer Airbnb. We’re located in quiet central Kentucky, a short drive from Nashville, Louisville, and Lexington. Here, you can detach from the constant noise and buzz of the metro and invest all of your attention in the creative process.

    Hit us up on the Contact page for more info!

  • Work remotely with experienced studio musicians are affordable rates! Have a track that you love but it just needs one more guitar line? Have a nearly-finished song that just needs drums? Hit us up on the contact page!

  • Have a full band, finished song(s), but just need a studio, gear, and an engineer to push the buttons? Rent the studio by the day! Whatever you track, you keep. This is a great, affordable option for tracking demos, or anything you’re 100% settled on. Hit us up on the contact page for more info!